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Our Vision:

To teach and disciple God's people in the Word and to observe our Lord's commandments: Matthew 28:19-20.


We look to serve The Lord in: Missionary work, youth ministries, street ministry, community outreach, and to meet the needs of those God gives GAIC the opportunity to help.


Lifting up the matchless name of our Lord Jesus Christ is the center of what we do and to help man, woman, boy and girl to develop and grow in a personal love and relationship with Him.



Our Mission:


The mission of The Church is already commanded in sacred scripture. Our mission at God's Assembly In Christ (GAIC) is to line up with the commandments that are found therein.


We, at GAIC, are committed to the preaching and teaching of the gospel of Jesus Christ, for it is the power of God unto salvation (Romans 1:16).


We do this through the preached Word, sunday school, bible study, prayer, visiting the sick, outreach ministry, youth and children's ministries. 


God's Assembly In Christ, a congregation in Plainfield, offers members - and visitors - a chance to become part of something greater. To grow in Christ and serve Him in some capacity.

In this fallen and evil world, too many are lowering their standards grieving our Holy Spirit. At GAIC, we teach biblical doctrine because we know that God's Inspired Word is good for teaching, rebuke, reproof and correction. How you live your life is worship to God and a reflection of Christ to the world. 

Beyond this, we are a spiritual family. We care and love one another in Christ. We would love for you to join us in worshipping our Lord and hearing His Holy Word.

Oct. 20th 3rd Sunday 2.jpeg


We believe that The Father, The Son, and The Holy Spirit make up the Triune God.

We believe Jesus Christ was the perfect sacrifice who became sin for us, was crucified on the cross, resurrected from the dead and ascended to the Father.

We believe that whosoever will repent and receive Jesus as their personal Lord and Savior shall inherit eternal life.



Our church holds to two sacraments which is Communion, and Baptism.

When someone receives Christ, they will be given an appointment for baptism in the view of the congregation as witnesses after the completion of a Baptism Course.

Every first Sunday of the month, we administer communion to the congregation. Only baptized believers can participate in communion.

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